Micro by Michael Crichton and Richard Preston

Title: Micro
Author: Michael Crichton & Richard Preston
Narrator: John Bedford Lloyd
Series: N/A
Publisher: Harper Audio
Release Date: 11/22/11
Length: 13 hours, 53 minutes
Format: Unabridged Digital Audiobook
Genres: Fiction, Sci-fi, Thriller
Source: Purchased
Purchase: Audio CD | Digital Audiobook
Rating: 3/5

Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton’s 1990 thriller, snared a triple triumph: it was a coast-to-coast number bestseller, earned stellar reviews, and inspired a film classic. When Crichton died in November 2008, he left behind a manuscript of another high adventure thriller that blends cutting-edge science with almost unrelenting suspense. Now completed by seasoned author Richard Preston (The Hot Zone), this story about a group of biotech graduate students stranded in the Hawaiian rainforest with only their wits to save them. Unputdownable.

Despite the poor reviews elsewhere, I liked this book. It reminded me of a TV show I used to watch when I was a kid called “Land of the Giants”. I was facinated with the idea then and I was surprised to have that interest rekindled. I haven’t read any of Michael Crichton’s or Richard Preston’s other work (although I did see the movie Jurassic Park with the kids back in the day)so I had no preconcieved expectations. The story seeemed seamless to me with little evidence that it was completed by a different author. Nanotechnogoly might not be up to this standard yet, but who knows what the future holds?


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