Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris

Title: Dead Reckoning
Author: Charlaine Harris
Narrator: Johanna Parker
Series: Southern Vampire Mysteries #11
Publisher: Recorded Books
Release Date: 5/3/2011
Length: 10 hours, 23 minutes
Format: Unabrdiged Audio CDs
Genres: Fiction, Mystery, Paranormal
Challenges: 2012 Audiobook Challenge, 2012 Support You Local Library Challenge
Source: Library
Purchase: Audio CD | Digital Audiobook
Rating: 4/5

With her knack for being in trouble’s way, Sookie witnesses the firebombing of Merlotte’s, the bar where she works. Since Sam Merlotte is now known to be two-natured, suspicion falls immediately on the anti-shifters in the area. Sookie suspects otherwise, but her attention is divided when she realizes that her lover, Eric Northman, and his “child”, Pam, are plotting to kill the vampire who is now their master. Gradually, Sookie is drawn into the plot – which is much more complicated than she knows.

I was much less disappointed with this one than Dead in the Family. The whole time I was thinking, “now this is what I’ve been waiting for.” The last book was short and kind of boring. I had no interest in all the family: Eric’s maker and Bill’s “sister.” Thank god that’s pretty much over. So here’s what I got from this book: there’s some relationship drama with Eric, I adore Pam, there’s a death plot (what’s new?), I’m kind of starting to like Bill again, Sandra Pelt is dangerously annoying, and the fey are up to something. Also, Alcide can be really dumb, but hilarious.

Now, to get into these things in depth. I thought I would be upset about the relationship drama, and, at first, I was. The thing is, Eric and Sookie are already together so they’re kind of boring now (aside from all the killing and near death experiences). It’s just that when you want two people to end up together in a story and they do, the story ends shortly after. This was is still going so I’m sort of bored. Plus, Bill was kind of sweet in this one. He’s obviously still seriously in love with Sookie, but he’s too good a man to even say anything to her about it. He doesn’t want to force his feelings on her and that’s definitely more than I can say about Eric. He’s been after her since he first saw her. Now, Pam? She showed a whole new side of herself and it made me love her even more.

Sandra Pelt = a whole lotta crazy. That’s all. I think Charlaine Harris has an outline she goes by for all these books. There was that moment, after the huge conflict was resolved and it felt like the book was going to wrap up. I kept thinking “Okay, where is it? Where’s the surprise conflict that always comes right at the end?” It didn’t take long for it to happen and it was exactly what I thought it would be. If you look and the essentials, all of these books are exactly the same. The differences are usually who Sookie is dating, what the major conflict is, and which minor character has it out for her. I’m not exactly complaining. I’m just making an observation.

Johanna Parker did an amazing job, as usual. I’ve never been fond of her voice for Eric, but her Sookie voice is spot on. She’s the reason I prefer to listen to these books.

I am interested to see what will happen with the fey and Sookie’s relationships. I’ll keep on reading! I recommend this one if you’ve been following along so far. It’s one of the better ones.

-Laura Ashlee

One thought on “Dead Reckoning by Charlaine Harris

  1. Oh so ditto your review. I read both books back to back as I was catching up on the series and was so glad this one was better than Dead in the Family. However, I feel the author may be losing her steam.

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